Posted: 07/16/2012 | July 16th, 2012 So what does this nomadic backpacker think of the cruise he went on? DET VAR FEDT. It was so satisfying that when it came time to head home, I...
Posted: 3/26/18 | March 26th, 2018 As I method my ten-year anniversary of blogging, I tell you a story. The story of an accidental travel writer who just wished to pay for beer, dorm rooms,...
Last Updated: 8/12/20 | August 12th, 2020 I often get asked why I want to leave home and travel. Won’t I miss everyone and everything? Won’t I get lonely? What am I running away from?...
Vi har tilsluttet sig geder på vejen i 2 og et halvt år, og vi har bestemt haft vores ups og vores nedture. Vi er dog meget glade for at rapportere, at der skete mere...
Last updated: 14 may 2020 UPDATE: due to the extension of the enhanced community Quarantine, buddy has also canceled ALL domestic and international flights up to may 31, 2020. The airline intends to resume operations...
I betragtning af at karantænen begyndte, har leveringerne været den mest praktiske metode til at købe ting. Fra måltider til dagligvarer til dine andre behov derhjemme, på internetkøbet er nu metoden til at gå. Ud...
Posted: 08/02/12 | August 2nd, 2012 Before I went on my cruise, a lot of people said they wouldn’t cruise because of their poor labor practices. Cruises exploit workers, they said. I’ve heard about the...
just a day after the cruise ended, I already missed it. I woke up to my bedroom moving as if lulling me to sleep again. I thought I was still on a cruise, but no....
house is where our backpacks are. That’s just the method it’s been for us for almost 5 years now. We refer to our hostels, hotels, apartments as well as house/pet sitting tasks as “home”. as well...
Jeg havde en fantastisk udsigt fra hvor radarstationen i Pagasa (filippinsk atmosfærisk, geofysisk og astronomisk serviceadministration). Crested majestætisk på en bølgende bakke er Ivatan Stonehouse-inspireret Tukon-kapel. Længere nord står Basco fyrtårn, hvis lysstyrke får det...