Month: October 2022


Last Updated: 8/12/20 | August 12th, 2020 I often get asked why I want to leave home and travel. Won’t I miss everyone and everything? Won’t I get lonely? What am I running away from?...

WHAT’S IT like TO actually work ON A cruise SHIP?

Posted: 08/02/12 | August 2nd, 2012 Before I went on my cruise, a lot of people said they wouldn’t cruise because of their poor labor practices. Cruises exploit workers, they said. I’ve heard about the...

Snapshot: Udsigt fra Pagasa Radar Station, Batanes

Jeg havde en fantastisk udsigt fra hvor radarstationen i Pagasa (filippinsk atmosfærisk, geofysisk og astronomisk serviceadministration). Crested majestætisk på en bølgende bakke er Ivatan Stonehouse-inspireret Tukon-kapel. Længere nord står Basco fyrtårn, hvis lysstyrke får det...